Talstar 20EC is created for agricultural and crop protection purposes, to safeguard bananas, canola, clover, apricots, barley, citrus, canola, cucurbits, cotton, field peas, navy beans, faba beans, Lucerne and Lucerne seed crops, grapes, lupins, peaches, plums, nectarines, poppies, pears, tomatoes, subterranean clover, wheat and sugarcane from insect pests and mites.  Sold in one liter packaging, its active element is Bifenthrin with Hydrocarbon Liquid as its solvent.

To ensure that Talstar will not harm the environment, specific rules are outlined in its use and management.

·         Keep it sealed.

·         Stock the product in its official box or carton and keep it in a cool and fresh clean place. 

·         Prevent storing it under the sun for an extended period of time.

·         Store product in a place out of children’s reach and afar from food, animal feeds, animals, seeds, fertilizers and other pesticides.

·         Pressure wash boxes or cartons or rinsed three times with rinsings added to spray tank.  Properly discard them afterwards. 

·         Reusable boxes or cartons must have their lids back and turned over to recycling post after washing. 

·         Contents of non-reusable boxes or cartons must be sapped off of its substance, smashed and broken and disposed of in a pit that is 500 mm deep.   The area must be exclusively marked and away from stream, brooks, rivers, vegetations and roots of trees.

·         Exhausted boxes or cartons must not be set on fire.

Even if your concern is to protect your crops from insects and mites, the ecosystem must not be ignored.  Therefore, prevent this from happening by complying with the safety rules outlined above.

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